Singing/Public Service w/ A Side Of Photography… Resurgam.

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I shortened the original title:

Scenes Seen/Vintage Digital/Abridged Foveon Therapy Over Two Days w/ A Side of Singing/Public Service… Resurgam.

Heck of a title, no?

I could have written separate posts. Maybe I should have. But I did not want to. Will try to write this in the same manner the blizzard of thoughts came to me. I will break them down by topic in an attempt to make it somewhat decipherable.

Scenes seen over two days.

Yesterday was a regular work day with a side of chorus rehearsal.

Today was mostly spent with that same chorus ensemble as we ministered by way of song for a National Crime Victim’s Rights week program…

…sponsored by the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern, Central, and Western Districts of the State of North Carolina and the Members of the Victims Services Interagency Council of North Carolina.

I will start this in reverse order. Today. Very sobering.

Singing/Public Service.

A powerful program that left me speechless at times.

No small feat. I can not do the program justice with a brief retelling in this space. Many great speakers. Many worthy public servants honored. And a heartbreaking presentation that also inspired. Suffice it to say it was a reminder that there are folks going through things you could never imagine. A presentation by the parents of a survivor hit especially hard. These things are no surprise to me since my wife’s calling to be an attorney was driven by her desire to serve others. Something she does to this day as an Assistant Attorney General for the NCDOJ’s Division of Citizens and Victims Services. Many jokes are made at attorney’s expense but I am a witness that there are good attorneys.

Abridged Foveon Therapy.

The main way this impacted me was that it took all of the wind out of the sails of my intended Foveon Therapy bender today. As a result I have only two images to share.


That is it. Put my camera away and that was that. Even afterward as we fellowshipped at a nearby restaurant in downtown Raleigh. Was still reeling a bit from the program.

The singing?

It went well. All songs including one I was tasked with co-leading went well. But even that hit differently.

One of the first speakers for the program was General Counsel, North Carolina Department of Adult Correction, Jodi Harrison. In her touching and profound remarks she lifted up a Latin phrase.

ResurgamI shall rise again.

And “I Rise” became the theme of the program afterward with nearly every speaker referencing the phrase. Why was this profound? The song I was tasked with co-leading?

“Rise Above It All”…

This was not missed by anyone in the chorus.

Kind words were shared with us after the program, in the lobby, down the street, and even from those seated near to us in the restaurant afterward. But I say it went fine because this was not an “Atta boy, good job.” type of event. We intended to provide a bit of comfort to those in attendance by way of song. And it is my hope that in this we were successful. Even now I cannot get those parents words out of my head.

And this is why I did not want to end here. Instead, I will close on yesterday.

Scenes Seen/Vintage Digital.

Will skip my usual camera gear ramblings. I used this kit yesterday.

M240 Galavanting Kit

As stated above yesterday was a typical chorus rehearsal day. Reviewing these images when I got home this afternoon snapped me out of it a bit. Here are the surviving images.

240 Kit
240 Kit
240 Kit
240 Kit
240 Kit
240 Kit
240 Kit
240 Kit
240 Kit
A dealership loaner Genesis EV a chorus member was driving. Nice car, but how much now? I will be driving my current vehicles until they drop thank you very much.
240 Kit
240 Kit
240 Kit
240 Kit
240 Kit
240 Kit
240 Kit
240 Kit
240 Kit
240 Kit
On a quick run for the Mrs.
240 Kit
240 Kit
240 Kit


Happy capturing.