Analog Therapy: Konica Hexar RF – TTArtisans 28mm f/5.6 – Harman Phoenix 200… Last Roll.

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A favorite pairing was selected as an added bit of distraction.

TTArtisan M 28mm F5.6
Konica Hexar RFTTArtisans 28mm f/5.6

On to the task at hand. Photos.

I chose my last roll of Harman Phoenix 200, developed with Cinestill CS41. I think I have run my course with this film. It is not a bad film. It is just that it seems best suited for when you are looking for something different. I was reminded that this is a film that has a fair amount of grain, can be a little unforgiving exposure-wise, and really likes light, but can be a bit hazy with too much light. So most of the frames with less light available did not make the cut. I am glad they made it and applaud anything new. But now that I have run out of my initial stash I am not sure that I will purchase it again. Time will tell.

The occasion was an onsite visit to my day job. Here are the surviving frames.

Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200
Harman Phoenix 200

Another successful analog therapy session.

Happy capturing.


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