So… The Panasonic Lumix S9….

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<checks notes a few times>… …a cold shoe?

In this year of our Lord 2024?

I was already knocked from the apparatus with no EVF. But, although I am not a fan of them, I had thought there would be an optional hotshoe EVF later. Nope.

Sidebar: You know what else has a cold shoe? My Zeiss Ikon Contaflex II that was released in… <checks notes again> …1954. A new digital camera in 2024 with a cold shoe would have never made it onto my feature bingo card. Not trying to be mean. I am genuinely perplexed by this. This seems not just video specific, but downright anti stills. No ability to affix a flash, trigger, or EVF seems to serve as a thumb in the eye to anyone considering using this as a stills solution. (Note from future self. Just realized it does not have a mechanical shutter.) I also must admit that I came dangerously close to buying a Lumix S5 II/50mm f/1.8 kit. I do not need it, so I talked myself down, but it is such a good deal I almost went for it anyway. I thought the S9 might get me. But, nope. I suppose I should thank Panasonic. A smaller camera with S5 II features at an even lower price point would be a take my money camera for sure.

Well. That shows commitment. To video… Wait, what? <checks notes again>… No mic headphone jack?

Watched Petapixel’s video and it has a mic jack, but no headphone jack or ability to adapt to one… I am (still) lost.

I thought a headphone jack was good for vide… You know what? Nevermind… …I am a stills guy. So that might be it.

This may very well be a video beast with features so fantastic that they offset such omissions.

When folks start about video specs and LUTS and whatnot I glaze over almost immediately. I gladly accept whatever moving picture my cameras spit out after hitting record. So I will reserve my opinion and chalk this up to my not being the audience for this product. And that is ok.


I find it hard not to wonder how much more including a hotshoe and an EVF would have cost, both literally and regarding matters like camera body size.

Just because it reminded me of it at first glance I compared the size of the Lumix S9 to the first gen A7C I have that is currently selling around the same price.

Size and Weight.

  • They weigh about the same.
    • No weight savings? Seems odd given the hotshoe and EVF on the A7C.
  • Size.
    • Width: About the same.
    • Height: Inexplicably given the cold shoe the A7C seems a bit shorter.
    • Depth: The grip on the A7C does it no favors here.


Once I got a look at the kit lens I was baffled yet again. Thought it was a pancake lens from the front…

…and thought, ok. But then I got a look at the profile.

Seems large enough to lose the benefits of such a small body. But Panasonic provided a, “Baffled now? Pfft. Hold my beer?”, moment with the new 26mm f/8 lens they released with the S9.

A perfect size for such a… Wait. What now?

  • Aperture is fixed at f/8.
  • Manual focus.

And has a note in the specs from Panasonic.

“Subtle bokeh”

You don’t say. At a fixed f/8 aperture at a 26mm focal length….

…I am so lost. <checks calendar> Not April 1st.

So… I am guessing this must come down to video software.

Right? It must… Right? Yeah. That is it.

I am very happy for the LUT folks. I am sure they must be thrilled.


I have nothing to say.

Would be like me making a review of camping tents.

As I said when I first turned down an invitation to a Cub Scout camping trip as a child:

Do you understand how many perfectly acceptable hotels and motels you have to pass by to get to a campsite?

Told them if they insist I go with them just drop me off at one of them on the way and do not forget to pick me up on the way back. My lack of enthusiasm baffled them so they checked with my parents and they confirmed that it was all me. I was an… interesting kid. Same applied for K-2nd grade Catholic school trips where I baffled the nuns. Tried to get me to go into the pond at a game farm. Declined. When asked why I responded, “I see fish, turtles, birds, etc. but no little outhouses on the shore so I will pass.” Turned down a return trip to the circus because I was unimpressed by the imprisoned animals and other things like cyclists on tight ropes with safety hooks underneath and such the first time I went… Again, they spoke to my parents. Again, they said it was his choice… I was a weird kid that grew up to be a bit of an odd duck.

So I am of no use regarding camping gear, ponds of questionable water quality, circuses, and video-centric cameras.

I am clearly not the audience. And that is perfectly ok.

Happy capturing.